Latest Colombian Adoption Statistics

In November, ICBF had a conference where they annouced the 2008 adoption statistics. As of October 31, 2008, 2,093 children had been adopted. Of these, 831 were adopted by Colombian families and 1,262 by non-Colombian families.

2007 was reported as a year with the highest number of adoptions a total of 3,077 -- with 1,175 children adopted by Colombians and 1,902 adopted by foreign families.

Once again, in 2008, Italy topped the list as the destination spot for Colombian children with 354 Colombianitos going to Italy. Next on the list was France with 249, and then the US with 215 adoptions.

The end of year totals for 2007 were: Italy 444, France 406, and the US 339.

There were 598 special needs adoptions this year with 917 children still waiting. Special needs are considered to be children with mental or physical disabilities, sibling groups, or children older than 8 years of age.


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