Marta Gomez -- Manos de Mujeres

This is the last of the Mother's Day stuff. Today, I would like to focus on a singer and a song.

On April 16, 2009, Public Radio International's program, The World, featured Colombian born singer/songwriter Marta Gomez. She sings a more folkloric type music and has a beautiful, lyrical voice. Her latest CD is entitled "Musiquita". You can hear the program and some of her music at the following link.

One of the songs featured in the report is a wonderful song about the average Colombian woman. These are the women that make the country work. The song is called "Manos de Mujeres" -- Women's Hands. Here are the lyrics:

Mano fuerte va barriendo, pone leña en el fogón -- A strong hand sweeps and puts wood on the fire

Mano firme cuando escribe una carta de amor -- A firm hand writes love letters

Manos que tejen haciendo nudos -- Hands that knit making knots

Manos que rezan, manos que dan -- Hands that pray, hands that give

Manos que piden algún futuro -- Hands that ask for some kind of future

Pa` no morir en soledad ay… -- So as to not die lonely.

Mano vieja que trabaja va enlazando algún telar -- Old hand that works tying up a loom

Mano esclava va aprendiendo a bailar su libertad -- Slave hand that learns to dance its freedom

Manos que amasan curtiendo el hambre con lo que la tierra les da -- Hands that knead curtailing the hunger with what the earth provides them.

Manos que abrazan a la esperanza de algún hijo que se va, ay… -- Hands that hug the hope of some child that has gone.

Manos de mujeres que han parido la verdad -- Women's hands that have born the truth

Manos de colores aplaudiendo algún cantar -- Colored hands applauding some song

Manos que tiemblan, manos que sudan -- Hands that tremble, hands that sweat

Manos de tierra, maíz y sal -- Hands of soil, corn and salt

Manos que tocan dejando el alma -- Hands that touch leaving their soul

Manos que sangre, de viento y mar -- Hands of blood, wind and sea


Anonymous said…
I love your work on your blog. It is really nice to learn so much about Colombia.

I wondered if you could post a link to my blog?

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