Children's Book Suggestion -- The Kite Festival

In this book, author Leyla Torres (Colombian), tells the story of a Colombian family's impromptu trip. After randomly deciding on the destination, the multi-generational family piles into the car and heads off to the town of San Vicente. When they arrive, they find that there is a Kite Festival (like the one mentioned in yesterday's post) in progess.

The family has come ill-prepared for the festival and so they use their creative skills to fashion a kite. In the end, they are awarded a prize for the most creative kite.

The illustrations are so wonderful. She perfectly captures Colombia and the Festival de Cometa tradition.

The book is available in English and Spanish. It is probably best for Kindergarten - 3rd grade aged children.

Here is a teaching guide and activities for before and after the read:

You can possibly find it at your local library, request it inter-library loan, or purchase it here:

In English:

In Spanish:


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