A Book??

I have been approached by some adoptive parents with the suggestion of making the Raising Colombian Kids Blog into a book, with the profits going to help fund the charity Friends of Colombian Orphans. Before I spend the hours required to make this a reality, I wanted to know the level of interest in purchasing the book.
I plan to use BLURB.com and the price will vary depending on how many pages I decide to put in the book and the quality of book you'd be interested in purchasing. The costs of self publishing are kind of high -- though there is a 10% discount if you purchase 10 copies or more. How much would people be willing to pay? Which topics would you want in the book? Which things should I leave out? What other things would you want included before publishing?

Here are the prices as quoted on Blurb:
Pages-----Softcover, Hardcover, ImageWrap
20-40 ----US $19.95 US $29.95 US $31.95
41-80 ----US $24.95 US $35.95 US $37.95
81-120 ---US $29.95 US $41.95 US $44.95
121-160 --US $36.95 US $49.95 US $52.95
161-200 -US $43.95 US $56.95 US $60.95
201-240 -US $50.95 US $64.95 US $69.95
241-280 -US $57.95 US $71.95 US $76.95

I will add $10 to the price for the donation to Friends of Colombian Orphans and you will need to pay for shipping. So far I have 6 buyers in Australia (thanks Carina) but what kind of response would I get from people elsewhere?
Making the book will be very time intensive, even though the content is slurped up from the blog by Blurb, you have to order it and place the pictures -- which is another story.
I'll need picture donations as I cannot freely use the FLICKR pictures if I publish the book -- though I am working on getting some permissions. If you have pictures that you would be willing to give me the rights to, or if you are an artist or illustrator and would like to donate a drawing or two please contact me privately.
For more info on the organization for Colombian Orphans -- click here:



Anonymous said…
Make it into an e-book. You can publish it yourself. Regardless of number of pages, I would not pay more than $25 for any book.

Good luck!!
Rebecca said…
I would also like to buy such a book. I think my top limit would also be $25.00.
Kit said…
Hey Meli,

I would do some art for it if you want. I'm no professional, but I'm sure I would have no problem getting help from both my instructor, and the other professionals in my class.

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