Feria de Cali -- Cali Fair

Every year since 1957, Cali has celebrated the Feria de Cana (the Sugar Cane festival) from December 25-30th. The celebrations kick off on Christmas Day with an official parade that starts at 2 pm and runs down the Autopista Sur. Part of the parade includes the Salsodromo, like the Sambadromo of Rio de Janeiro, the Salsodromo is an opportunity for the different Salsa schools to show off their fancy moves.

Following the parade, there is a kick off concert (free to the public) where you will hear - what else?? -- SALSA!!! Cali considers itself the World Capital of Salsa!!! This year the concert features Hermes Manyoma. If you won't be able to make the concert, enjoy some of the sounds by clicking here:


The following day, there is a horse parade (cabalgata) and yet another free concert. The next day a parade and concerts. In essence the week is full of dancing and music, parades, bullfights, and competitions.

Definitely something to experience at least once in your life.

You can see the RCN report of the event last year here:


Anonymous said…
This description really does not do justice to the Feria de Cali. It is really quite an amazing experience that Caleños get to participate in every year.

The year I went and saw the cabalgata, the next day they reported it was a success due to only a few people were injured and only a couple of horses had to be destroyed.

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