Latest Adoption Statistics

ICBF recently updated their adoption statistics. Below is a summary of those statistics which were current as of October 30, 2009.
But first, for comparison, here are the stats for 2008:

2,542 children of all ages placed for adoption
1,019 were placed with Colombian families
1,523 were placed with Foreign families

Stats from January 1, 2009 and Ocotber 30, 2009:
2,174 children placed for adoption in Colombia
909 to Colombian families
1,265 to Foreign families.

Of these, 311 were placed by Casas Privadas and 1,863 were placed by ICBF.

ICBF would like to point out that as of October 30, 2009, there were 8,211 children and adolescents that have official declarations of adoptability and belong to the category SPECIAL NEEDS. Special Needs in Colombia is defined as children with disabilities, children over 8 years of age, and sibling groups of 3 or more. These children are available immediately and families requesting children in this category will receive PRIORITY and PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT.

Here is the breakdown of the 8,211 adoptable children in the Special Needs Category:
1,319 ---- children in good health younger than 7 that belong to large sibling groups
504 ---- children younger than 7 with a physical or mental disability
2,843 -- children between 8-17, some belong to sibling groups
1,774 -- children between 8-17 with a physical or mental disability
554 ---- children over 18 in a good physical state
1,217 -- children over 18 with a physical or mental disability


Anonymous said…
How interesting and wonderful that you're sharing how great the need is to adopt special needs children. I know several people that have adopted Colombian sibling groups of three and they're all very happy and well adjusted.

Do you know if there's an ICBF report that shows the number of children in the system that are not considered special needs? It would be helpful to understand the variance between the 3,500 adoptive parentes on the wait list and the actual number of adoptable children that are not special needs, since unfortunately, most adoptions are not special needs. It would be useful information for people considering adopting through ICBF versus an orphanage.

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