National Holidays for 2010
Many an adoptive parent has been set back a few days by the observance of one of the many Colombian holidays. Here is a list of the official national holidays. This list was established by Law #53 in December of 1983. On these days, courts close, ICBF offices are closed, and many tourist attractions also close. So, if you will be in Colombia on these days, be forewarned. To this list, you might add department or city holidays such as the closures in Barranquilla during Carnaval or in Manizales during the Feria.
1st January New Year's Day -- Año Nuevo
6th January* Epiphany -- Epifanía or Reyes Magos
19th March* St. Joseph's Day -- San José
1st May Labour Day -- Día del Trabajo
29th June* St. Peter & St. Paul -- San Pedro y San Pablo
20th July National Independence Day -- Grito de la Independencia
7th August Battle of Boyacá -- Batalla de Boyacá
15th August* Assumption Day -- Asunción de la Virgen
12th October* Columbus Day -- Día de la Raza
1st November* All Saints Day -- Todos los Santos
11th November* Independence of Cartagena City
8th December Immaculate Conception -- Inmaculada Concepción
25th December Christmas Day -- Navidad
Maundy Thursday and Good Friday -- Jueves y Viernes Santo
May or June* Corpus Christi
June* (third Friday) Sacred Heart of Jesus --Sagrado Corazón de Jesus
Ascension Day* 40 days after Easter
*When these holidays do not fall on a Monday, they will be observed the following Monday. This is called a PUENTE or bridge.
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