Arroz con Leche

This is a very common song, often sung through out the Spanish speaking world. You can play a "Duck Duck Goose" type game while singing this song.

There are a few variations -- typically who the singer wants to marry -- be it a widow from the capital (viudita de la capital) or a young woman from the capital (señorita de la capital) or even an old woman from the capital (viejita de la capital). The song that you can listen to below uses the young woman. There are also variations as to the things the woman knows how to do. The fact that she knows how to sew and embroider is pretty universal, however, the last thing listed has multiple versions. Here are the lyrics for the song that you can click on below:

Arroz con leche Rice pudding

Me quiero casar I want to get married

Con una señorita To a young single woman

de la capital From the capital

Que sepa coser That knows how to sew

Que sepa bordar That knows how to embroider

Que sepa abrir la puerta That knows how to open the door

para ir a jugar. In order to go out and play.

Con esta . With this one yes

Con esta no. With this one no

Con esta señorita me caso yo. With this young woman I will get married.


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