El Vuelco del Cangrejo

EL VUELCO DEL CANGREJO is a movie about race relations on the Pacific coast of Colombia. On a broader scale, it is a metaphor for the civil strife in Colombia. The movie was released in March 2010 in Colombia and won the International Federation of Film Critics Award at the Berlin Film Festival in 2009.

The action occurs in La Barra, a remote village on the Pacific coast of Colombia. There a leader of the Afrocolombian community, called el Cerebro (the Brain), faces problems white man from Colombia's interior (el Paisa) moves in and starts changing things. He plans to build a hotel on the beach. There is conflict, an unusual stranger, and children in the movie. Here is the official trailer. I haven't figured out where I can see it yet -- might have to wait until I go to Colombia this summer. Or wait a few years and see if it shows up at our library -- maybe on DVD in a few months. Don't know, but it sounds good. I am going to keep it in mind.



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