One Family´s Return Trip: The Plane Ride

Taking two kids -- 9 and 5 -- on an 18 hour travel experience is tough. You need to go well prepared. Here are some ideas:

For the 9 year old:

Drawing supplies
I-pod with preloaded audiobooks and music
Snacks chosen by child
Surprise gifts for end of first flight (dollar store)
Surprise gift for end of second flight (dollar store)
Hand sanitizer

For the 5 year old:

Coloring books with colored pencils
Sticker book
I-pod with preloaded stories and songs
Sticker Mosaics
Snacks chosen by child
Surprise gifts for end of first flight (dollar store)
Surprise gift for end of second flight (dollar store)
Hand sanitizer

We also made the layover a learning experience. Each child had been given $10 from grandma to spend on the trip. We took the money and had them exchange it at a booth in the Houston airport. We were able to look at Colombian money and talk about what they might spend it on.

On the plane from the US to Colombia, you will be given a form from DIAN (customs) that you will need to fill out. It is one per family. It looks like this.


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