Ratón Pérez -- Colombia's Tooth Fairy

In a Spanish tradition, mothers would give their child's baby teeth to rodents with the belief that by doing so, their children would grow up healthy. It was from this tradition that the Ratón Pérez developed. Ratón means mouse in Spanish.

Ratón Pérez is the Spanish equivalent to the Tooth Fairy. He visits little children bringing money or gifts when baby teeth are left under the pillow.

The story of Ratón Pérez was changed and popularized by Father Luis Coloma who wrote a story called, of all things, Ratón Pérez.

You can read the story, in Spanish, here:


In our house, the kids have enjoyed the following book, which helps to integrate both cultures when a tooth is lost.

You can pick it up at Amazon for less than $11 US and there is potential free super saving shipping :)


heldam said…
thanks for posting about this! This is very timely for our family. Ratoncito Perez! Hadn't thought about him in years. Thanks for reminding me. I have made a tooth fairy pillow for my kids to put their teeth for the tooth fairy. I will definitely think about how to incorporate RP into that tradition!

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