Something for Colombianitos to Look Forward to

If you have little Colombianitos, you have probably seen your share of Elmo and Rosita. This week Colombian rock sensation JUANES filmed a segment for an upcoming episode of Sesame Street, set to air this fall.

Word is that he will teach the kids the words -- Manos, Cabeza and Pies (hands, head and feet) -- via song.

Definitely something to look forward to.

See a picture of Juanes with Rosita here:


Admin said…

I know this is an unrelated comment to this topic, but I know you talk about Boyaca sometimes. I am going to Duitama, Boyaca to visit family friends in 5 weeks, and was wondering if I will need to take antimalarial drugs. I will be there for 3 days. I am having a hard time finding a definite answer. Any information would be appreciated.


Colombian Mommy said…
You absolutely DO NOT NEED MALARIA PILLS IN DUITAMA. What you need is a coat and umbrella. It is cold and rainy there this time of year -- Abril Lluvias Mil -- though it can be sunny in June. As long as you are there, make sure to hop on over to the Archeology museum in Sogamoso, the hot pools at Paipa, and buy a Ruana in Nobsa. And do not forget to go to PANTANO DE VARGAS. Each of these places is within a 15-30 minute short drive!! I have written about each of these places. Look for them under Altiplano-Cundiboyasense. SOOOOOO Jealous!! Have fun!!

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