Five Years Ago Today

In 2006, we initiated our adoption from Colombia. Within 4 months, our dossier was happily on it's way to Colombia. On September 28, 2006, we got news that our dossier had been approved and was being sent to Bogota Region.

We had requested a young sibling group -- preferably twins. Then, just 2 weeks later, on October 12, 2006, we received a strange call. Someone -- not from our family -- in Colombia was trying to contact us. My husband called back and spoke with the adoptions committee chair in Bogota [I just want to point out that this is HIGHLY unusual and would require a lengthy explanation, but it would suffice to say that he had spoken with her previously because we were in a unique situation and had had a host of problems].

The Conversation:

The question: Were we married to the idea of siblings? They didn't have any at the time. Husband's answer: Ok, we would consider one child.

The statement: Great, because the Committee had assigned us a little boy, 21 months old. This child's psychologist had recommended that he be placed in a two parent home where the mother would be a stay- at-home mom. Our family's dossier showed up on the same day as his adoption paperwork and we fit the bill. Would we be interested?

Husband's answer: Yes.

The statement: He is "divino" -- divine. She then proceeded to read excerpts from his Biopsychosoial report to us.

Three days later, we received that FED EX package with his official referral. I hugged the FED EX guy. I opened the package and went straight to the photo. Despite his clothes that were like 5 sizes too big, he indeed was divine -- and he still is.


Deanna willett said…
Congratulations! Hope you had a fun day celebrating with your precious little guy.
Blanqui said…
Felicidades por ese pequeño. Nosotros tambien estamos esperando por 2 hermanitos.
Un abrazo desde España
AmyB said…
How exciting to hear your story! As you know, we are still waiting for our 2 kids....we now have 77 families ahead of us, things seem to be moving! :-) I'm so excited and reading your story just made it all seem more tangible! :-) Muchas gracias!

Blanqui, nosotros también estamos esperando 2 hermanitos y vivimos en España! Si quieres compartir historias, escríbame al email: :-) Saludos!

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