The Official Start of Colombia's Christmas Season

December 7th is the official start of the Christmas (Navidad) season in Colombia. December 7th is the Catholic Holiday called the Día de la Anunciación. However, both Catholics and non-Catholics celebrate tonight by placing candles and lanterns and lights all over the front of the house and along the sidewalks. It is known as the Día de Velitas or El Alumbrado.

In our family, we celebrate by placing red, white and brown paper lunch sacks -- each filled with sand and a lighted candle -- around our front yard. This year to our Open House Celebration, we have invited over 80 guests. We invite them in shifts (29 from 5:30-6:30, 29 from 6:30-7:30, 26 from 7:30-8:30). People are to bring a plate of American cookies (this is the mingling of cultures part of the night) and we provide the Colombian Hot Chocolate, the music, and the lantern making supplies. Our guests make their own paper sack lantern and place it in front of our house. When we are all finished, it looks pretty cool. I will have to post some pictures later :).

In Colombia, the entire neighborhood would be outside and you can hear music, laughter, and singing. There is also plenty of dancing. Here in the States, we are the only ones on the street celebrating, but it makes for a meaningful evening with our kids.


Notorious MLE said…
This is a great idea. I think I'm going to try to remember to do something similar next year.
Lili said…
I bet it was awesome!!! I will use that idea.

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