Changing Your Adopted Child's Name
NAME CHANGES: So, I decided to investigate Colombian law on name changes. I wanted to be clear on when it is ok for the kids to change their names. The law governing name changes is found in the: Ley 1098 de 2006 - Código de la Infancia y la Adolescencia Articulo 64 #3. [Law 1098 from 2006 - Infant and Adolescent Code Article 64 #3]. This is what is states in Spanish: El adoptivo llevará como apellidos los de los adoptantes. En cuanto al nombre, sólo podrá ser modificado cuando el adoptado sea menor de tres (3) años, o consienta en ello, o el Juez encontrare justificadas las razones de su cambio. The Translation: The adoptee will carry the surnames of the adoptive parents. With respect to the name, it can only be modified when the adoptee is younger than 3 years of age, or consents to the same, or the Judge finds justifiable reasons for a change. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? This helped me understand why a letter from the child is required, in which the child expresses their desire...