Colombian Christmas Carols

Christmas Carols in Colombia are called VILLANCICOS (pronounced: vee yan see cohs). Most have their roots in Spain and the Catholic church, however, there is one song --written by a Venezuelan that is like the Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer of Colombia and Venezuela. It's name is EL BURRITO SABANERO or EL BURRITO DE BELEN. All the kids know it and its famous Tuqui Tuqui Tuqui chorus.

Two years ago the Colombian singer JUANES came out with his own version of this popular song. If you click on the title of this post, you will be lead to a site where you can hear the song.

It is also available at the ITUNES store for 99 cents. Well worth the expenditure for any Colombian family. My boys both know and love the song.

Here are the lyrics:

Con mi burrito sabanero
voy camino de Belén
Con mi burrito sabanero
voy camino de Belén
si me ven si me ven
voy camino de Belén
si me ven si me ven
voy camino de Belén


El lucerito mañanero
ilumina mi sendero
El lucerito mañanero
ilumina mi sendero
si me ven si me ven
voy camino de Belén
si me ven si me ven
voy camino de Belén


Con mi cuatrico voy cantando
mi burrito va trotando
con mi cuatrico voy cantando
mi burrito va trotando
si me ven si me ven
voy camino de Belén
si me ven si me ven
voy camino de Belén

Tuqui Tuqui Tuquituqui
Tuquituqui Tu qui Ta
Apúrate mi burrito
que ya vamos a llegar
Tuqui Tuqui Tuquituqui
Tuquituqui Tu qui Ta
apúrate mi burrito
vamos a ver a Jesús.


Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for creating this blog! You are always such a wealth of information on! I look forward to learning more about Colombia.
Lili said…
I think it is important for us adoptive parents to read this information. We cannot usually get this in other blogs and i think it is great that you want to share your experience with us. I am wondering if maybe you can add some links for colombian news like news papers or radio.

Thank you so much for this information.
Unknown said…
Hi Melinda,
I am Claudie, from France. I saw your presentation message on the forum APAEC "adoption Colombie". I am the mother of two colombian kids since sept 2007, brother and sister, 6.5 and 5.5 year-old when we meet them in Bucaramanga, Colombia (close to Venezuela). Thanks to your blog, I discovered the "Estrellas on Navidad" CDs with Juanes song (el burrito de Belen). I knew this song interpreted by Consuelo Uribe on a CD for the little ones and with mas villancicos. I do not speak spanish very well, but I am OK in english. I will visit you blog on a regular basis. Have a good day. Claudie

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