
Another unique Andean fruit (native to Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru) is known in Colombia as LULO (in Ecuador--Naranjilla). The lulo plant (Solanum quitoense) belongs to the nightshade family. It grows in humid climates where there is a lot a rain.

Though the fruit is native to the Andean region, it's delicious juice has inspired farmers in other areas of the world to plant and cultivate the fruit. I was surprised to find out that there are Lulo farmers in Florida.

The taste of Lulo is acidic, and has been described as a cross between Rhubarb and Lime. It is high in calcium, phosphorus, niacin and vitamin C.

You can request a glass of lulo at most restaurants and it really is something not to miss out on!

When I first went to Colombia 15 years ago, I fell in love with Lulo juice. Since bringing home the plant or fruit would have been frowned upon by US officials, I chose to bring home several bags of TANG -- yes, I mean the powdered fruit drink. While in the US we have one flavor choice for Tang, in Colombia there are several. I brought home bags of Tang in Lulo flavor. Definitely, a worthwhile souvenir for celebrating that one year Gotcha Day!

If you are already home from Colombia, and would like to try Lulo Tang, it is a bit pricey, but you can buy it here:

Or try making your own juice using frozen lulo pulp.

You can buy Lulo pulp here:

*Photo by Quimbaya


Sherri said…
Thank you for putting me in touch with Lulo again! It was my absolute favorite when we were in Colombia. In San Andres the poor waiter should have just left the pitcher at our table :).

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