National Anthem of Colombia

Another song that your little one(s) should be familiar with is the National Anthem of Colombia.

The Colombian National Anthem was originally written as a poem in 1887, by Colombian President Rafael Nuñez. The poem was read by Nuñez in honor of the celebration of the Independence of Cartegena. It was later set to music by the Italian composer Oreste Sindici and grew widely in popularity.

In 1920, a law declared it the official national anthem of Colombia, and in 1995, a different law decreed that it be played twice daily (6 am and 6pm) on all radio and TV stations in the country.

Though there are 11 verses, usually only the first is sung.


¡Oh gloria inmarcesible! (Oh unfading glory!)

¡Oh júbilo inmortal! (Oh immortal jubilee!)

¡En surcos de dolores (In furrows of pain)

El bien germina ya. (Good is already germinating.)


Cesó la horrible noche (The fearful night came to an end,)

La libertad sublime (Liberty sublime)

Derrama las auroras (Is spreading the dawns)

De su invencible luz. (Of its invincible light.)

La humanidad entera, (The whole of humanity,)

Que entre cadenas gime, (Which is groaning under chains,)

Comprende las palabras (Understands the words)

Del que murió en la cruz. (Of the One who died on the Cross.)

Here is the link to the TV version of the song.

There are also several places where you can download the Anthem, inlcuding Itunes -- look for Himno Nacional de Colombia.


Anonymous said…
Do you know what the national anthem (official or unofficial) of Colombia was before 1920? There is a family legend that one of my ancestors wrote it, but I can't find information about it or him.

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